Aaron Rubin brings a broad background to his client experience. From financial planning to estate and tax planning, Aaron advises on the most important parts of his clients' lives from planning exits from businesses to helping widows and divorcees regain the confidence they deserve. He takes particular pride in helping his young tech clients make tax savvy, financially sound decisions about their stock compensation packages.He received his … read more... about Aaron Rubin
Financial Adulting
Take Control of Your Finacial Future
Whether you're about to start your first job, thinking about saving for your child's college fund, or actively planning for retirement, Financial Adulting is full of useful information designed to help you avoid common pitfalls and position yourself for success.
Rubin also connects with readers through shared experiences. He acknowledges his own shortfalls and tells stories out of his own life (some amusing, and others cringeworthy). We all make mistakes and feel foolish at times, but it's from these mistakes that we can learn and grow.
Adulting can be scary, particularly when it comes to our finances, but with practice (and some decent Chardonnay), you will be amazed how well you can navigate these tricky waters.
Available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble in paperback, hardcover as well as ebook.
AmazonBarnes and Noble
Sample Chapter
CHAPTER 1: Studio Living: Canned Chili Never Tasted So Good Remember college? It was awesome, wasn’t it? On most days, there was no reason to wake up before 10:00. You had maybe sixteen hours of class time, but the rest of the week was free to do … Read more about Sample Chapter
The Buzz
Effective financial wisdom from a true specialist who combines his many years’ experience and expertise as a tax professional, CPA, and financial planner to give pragmatic advice to young adults. What a plus that this well-written, solution-oriented “how-to” moves easily all along its wealth-building journey. The perfect gift for graduates. And consider a thin a worthwhile and
entertaining refresher course.—Evelyn Preston
25 year investment professional, Author of The Money Lady, and financial columnist for Active Over 50 senior magazine
In “Financial Adulting,” Aaron Rubin provides great advice, presented with wonderful humor and sincere compassion. You might find that into an adult is not all bad.
—Meir Statman
Glenn Klimek Professor of Finance, Leavey School of Business
Santa Clara University
Author of Finance for Normal People, and What Investors Really Want
They say it is never too early to learn new things.
And it is definitely never too late to learn about how to manage your finances, even if you have been managing them all your life.
Whether you are a young pup, just starting out in the world of Adulting, or you have been around the block a few times, there is something for everyone in this new book by Aaron Rubin, ”
Financial Adulting: Take Control of Your Financial Future”Written with a light hand, for the topic often so heavy, it boasts chapter titles such as:
Studio Living: Canned Chili Never Tasted so Good
Overcoming the Greatest Investment Obstacle: You
Investing the Non-Stupid Way
But even though Rubin has a light hand, he does get to the gritty stuff on how to budget, whether you are just out of college or are thinking about retirement.Even if you are well into your financial life, like me, you can pick up some tips that might have escaped you, or pass on tips to your kids and grand kids as they start this same journey.
Highly recommend it. A good read either by chapter, or by just diving into the sections that make sense to you.
Linda S
Amazon reviewer
If you have a child who’s recently got their first “real” job, you’re likely to want to give them financial advice. Instead, give them this book. It’s funny, easy to understand and informative.
It will cover all the topics you’d like to talk to your kids about, but much better. He is a CPA, JD, and CFP, after all. It also covers topics you might not even be aware of. (You should read it yourself before giving it to your kids, you’ll look much smarter.).
In short, if someone you love is “adulting”, this book will help them on their path to becoming financially self sufficient.
Jason P.
Amazon Reviewer